Search a git repo like a ninja
$ git grep <regexp>
Try it out on a project, then try the same search with ack and grep and you see that we have speed that’s better than either grep or ack. But we can make some improvements:
Allow extended regular expressions
$ git config --global grep.extendRegexp true
git can also support full blown Perl regular expressions as well, by compiling git with libpcre. Easy for homebrew users:
$ brew install git --with-pcre
Always include line numbers
$ git config --global grep.lineNumber true
Group output like ack!
$ git config --global alias.g "grep --break --heading --line-number"
As far as I know there is no non-trivial way to add default arguments/override git commands, plus g is nice and short.
Compare this output, without grouping:
To this much more readable output, with grouping:
The speed of git grep, which is a product of it being implemented in C and only searching your project files, i.e. not files in .git, is alone compelling — but where git grep becomes unique and powerful is how it connects you with your repo’s git database…
Practical examples
Here’s a list of commands made up of different arguments and concepts of git grep and git log that you will be able to reuse and learn from to reformulate later for your own use cases:
Search for our regexp in JavaScript files from another branch
$ git grep -e <regexp> my_other_branch -- '*.js'
signals the end of options and the rest of the paramaters arelimiters. Search files registered in the index, rather than the working tree
$ git grep --cached -e <regexp>
Note that we’re searching what’s registered in the index rather than what’s staged.
Search for staged files containing a regexp that was either added or removed
$ git diff-index --cached -G<regexp> HEAD | cut -f2
Search through previous revisions whose contents contain a given regexp
$ git grep <regexp> $(git rev-list --all)
I tried the above on one project large enough that git complained about the argument size, so if you run into this problem do something like this command:
$ git rev-list --all | (while read rev; do git grep -e <regexp> $rev; done)
Search for commits whose changes include your regexp
$ git log -G <regexp>
Combine regexps and filter results via boolean logic
$ git grep -e 'include' --or 'extend' --and \( -e 'Specification' -e 'Factory' \)
With this command, we search for lines where we extend or include, either specifications or factories. For example, let’s say we ran this command on this file:
module UserSpecification; end module UserFactory; end module Bad; end class User extend UserSpecification include UserFactory include Bad end
Then we’d get these results:
Find files that contain some terms, not necessarily on the same line
$ git grep -e <regexp> --and -e <regexp>
…is not what you want, as it will search for lines that contain both those regular expressions. Instead, this is how we search for files with the matches occurring somewhere in the file:
$ git grep --all-matches -e <regexp> -e <regexp>
Find commits whose message mention login and were authored by Travis in the last month
$ git log --grep=login --author=travis --since=1.month
Text editor integration
Inevitably we will want to be able to search and use these programs from within our text editors.
Vim users have it pretty good, with both ack.vim and Tim
Pope’s Fugitive which includes :Ggrep
to interface with
git grep by being to search and have your results listed and linked in the quickfix window. By
listing the results in the quickfix window, you have the usual quickfix navigation keybindings, if
you’re unfamiliar, see :h quickfix

If your project is not under git version control than you can use ack.vim in a similar manner:
:Ack <args>
Emacs user’s have had vc-git-grep
built in since v22.1 and it’s very similar
to :Ggrep
. For acking, use full-ack.
See the complation-mode help page (or C-h f compliation-mode
) for info on navigating in compilation-mode (the mode that both vc-git-grep and full-ack output into).
By now you are comfortable with git grep and git log and you can get more
details on each of these commands by running git help <command>
. And you have some useful tools in your repertoire — have fun!