Saving files in nonexistent directories with Vim
I often open a file in a directory that doesn’t exist yet. However, Vim will not let you save a file in a nonexistent directory.
You can manually create the directory by running the following command:
:!mkdir %:p:h
You can automate creating the directory with the following autocommand:
augroup vimrc-auto-mkdir
autocmd BufWritePre * call s:auto_mkdir(expand('<afile>:p:h'), v:cmdbang)
function! s:auto_mkdir(dir, force)
if !isdirectory(a:dir)
\ && (a:force
\ || input("'" . a:dir . "' does not exist. Create? [y/N]") =~? '^y\%[es]$')
call mkdir(iconv(a:dir, &encoding, &termencoding), 'p')
augroup END
With this command, when you save a file in nonexistent directory, Vim will ask you if you want the directory created and then create it.